The Purple Parade was first conceived in 2013 to raise awareness and campaign for the inclusion of the disabled in Singapore and also in conjunction to commemorate the International Day of Person with Disabilities which falls on the 3rd of December each year, with the support of about 40 organisation and the Central Singapore Development Council in order to promote the event a social media movement led by Miss Denise Phua with the support from the Singapore Government with several parliamentarians including our country Prime Minister. The very first event kick-off on the 30th of November 2013. Since then a total of 7 Purple Parade had been held, but his year the event was given a miss due to the Covid19 Pandemic but still, a live stream event was held and also the purchase of merchandise was also conducted for sales online and hope that by next year round we would be able to have the ball rolling again onto the street, by the colour purple was chosen because it symbolises loyalty and the square logo representing a call for equality for those with special needs in all area of society regardless of race language or religion.